Saturday, January 6, 2007

Let me intoduce myself!

It starts out normally, but it ends excitingly. It does not start here-- it's gone on for a while--but this is as good a place to start as any. Adventure is in the air. Do you hear it? Do you see it? Can you feel it? It's written beginning is here.

This is the story of my life... and something tells me it's about to get very interesting.

My name is Caitlin, and yes, I may be slightly crazy. If you suggest it, don't think you'll be the first. My family is constantly reminding me of this fact (and then, of course, they join in). My interests are... well anything that's interesting. From the patterns that a car makes when it drives through water, to the accent people of different languages have. From the way an ant moves to learning how to fence. Learning to find the curiosities of the little things and stringing them all together is what makes me and this blog what we are.

I'm smart. I don't often say that, and you probably won't ever hear me say that again, because it sounds like I'm full of myself. But for the purpose of what I'm trying to tell you, I needed to say it. I can see things around me that others might not notice. I can read people's emotions, and I know what they need to hear in order to feel well again, and get through their problems. When I can cheer someone, I am fulfilled.

God is number one in my life, and I'm not going to start this blog without telling you this. Perhaps it seems like frivolities to you, but allow me to explain, and you will not only be locked in conversation for hours, but you will also have a better understanding of those who love God.

Oh, and one last thing. I am 17 years old.

Ja, mata! (That's Japanese for "Well... again!" or "See you again!". And see you soon!


P.S. Everything I will tell you in this blog is true, unless I specifically state otherwise. And tomorrow I shall tell you about my latest "adventure".

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